Tuesday, September 6, 2011

So Much Has Happened Since March At The Sales Verification Company

Shortly after arriving at The Sales Verification Company, we purchased a new backup generator to protect against 3rd Party Verification (TPV) campaign disruption. Thanks to the contractors from Generac who spent several days installing "The Beast" as we've come to call it, we now have complete confidence that we will never lose power or our vital TPV company information.

The Beast runs on industrial-grade diesel and is capable of going from a cold start to full power within just ten seconds. It puts out 200 kilowatts, which are capable of powering all of our lighting, our HVAC system, all of our computers, and more for 3. To make things even better we can refuel “The Beast” even while it's powered on.

Our company continues to grow with Mike Epley, our new Director of Quality Control. We think of Mike as the sheriff keeping order and that order must be kept to continue to keep our clients satisfied.

“Everyone on the phones needs to understand that they not only represent their employer, but more importantly, they represent the client,” Mike said. “We are in the accuracy business, and there’s simply no room for veering away from the unique demands of any campaign. My people have always understood that. We create a positive environment, reward excellence, and correct where necessary. It’s a proven approach, and one that is ultimately reflected back to us in positive client feedback.”

With over 25 years in the call center business, Mike is great at keeping his Third Party Verification teams focused and producing on one single common goal. We're happy to have Mike with us and we are confident his quality control procedures will only result in happy customers and positive feedback.

To find out even more about The Beast and The Sales Verification Company team additions and more news regarding our other services for third party verification, visit <a href="http://www.salesverifications.com/news/">The Sales Verification Company</a> news page at http://www.salesverifications.com/news/.